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Secret Sinners

Secret Sinners

I emailed the following letter

Thursday, September 28, 2023    Xx xxxxxx xxxxxxx xx  Buellton, CA 93427  Xxx-xxx-xxxx text/voice    Dear Representative Salud Carbajal,    I am writing as a citizen of the United States, born and raised in Buellton, California. Yet, I find myself as a victim to intelligence community abuses by two lone-wolf domestic terrorists.    These two lone-wolf domestic terrorists have been watching me, surveilling me, daily throughout the day/night on a minute by second basis. I have no privacy and feel abused, tortured, weak, vulnerable, and even want to leave the country to a land that respects human rights. Yet, I have little money even after spending 25 years trying to be an entrepreneur, but these two domestic terrorists have been shutting down any type of activity that I attempt.    Can you investigate these two men? I can hear their voices and gestures who resemble (a) a 50-year old Caucasian male, and (b) an African-American with a lot of energy. They are not Russian, nor Chinese, they are American; yet, find themselves focused on ruining my life even if it means trying to kill me.    They seem suicidal as they come back day after day after day even if it means getting caught.    Can you prosecute these two men? Take away their security clearances and try to change the law? I do not know why they keep hounding me. I have every right to defend my family members when they are being framed for rape as I did with my cousin Albert Covarrubias, Jr. I do not have to resort to false claims or lies. I have every right to stand by the Ten Commandments as I was a former Alter Boy.    I do not have to be treated this way and have even created a PAC to remove people from office if they do not stand by issues that Yay Nay PAC fights for.    I look forward to your reply.    Sincerely,      Ricardo Soto  Founder/Journalist  Intelligence Mobsters


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