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Secret Sinners

Secret Sinners


it is my day off work and am awake, I go to my laptop, which has been
very slow the past year, even moving storage onto a flash drive, the
intelligence community know I have nothing confidential on it, so they
do not destroy it; yet, they slow down my laptop productivity and wifi
network by hacking it. The scapegoat in them are always looking to
point the finger at some else or at me by making me click on my mouse
multiple times just to get a response or show that a webpage is under
maintenance mode or has a internal server error. I have not posted in
a while, because my phone too is having or has been having problems as
the intelligence community try to manufacture me into some bomb threat
or weaponized person even though I am a human rights activist who has
published a children;s book on human rights, I am against guns and
have no knowledge how to make a bomb; yet, they continue, it is mainly
Lunatic Mental Case who has been plotting against me for a good
decade, but has quieted down the past week after I posted via social
media where he is located in my room via intelligence technology. In
addition, I posted my documentary and this blog turned into a book in
development cover photos onto Yay Nay PAC website as an advertiser. I
was trying to get income from Adsterra, which was working somewhat as
I have roughly 9,000 visitors to Yay Nay PAC, thus far, but even that
was getting attacked by Norton revealing it as a threat, so I had to
show it as encrypted ad until I took it off. Things have quieted down
somewhat from the enormous amount that there was before. I am still
hearing voices off and on, I still feel victimized for simply
executing my first amendment rights, turning me into this person with
a disability who knows it is not a disability, but government
interference. This is the name of the game, which if I do not play I
die and if I do play I die, if I sit around and do nothing I am
attacked, it never ends and therefore I have Total and Permanent
Disability. It is amazing that I have to be handicapped just to feel
or be covered at the same level as these folks, is it not silly? In
football, one person covered by two men is known as a great talent,
but with me it is shown as a disability. I must be some great person
with some sort of skills of which I have to maneuver around to keep
finding to avoid being plotted against. anyways, I was working on my
laptop and then I started to hear voices and so I started writing here
again, because this has been happening the past few months where I sit
around and do nothing, because the intelligence community watch me via
intelligence technology, make me hear voices until I take my medicine,
which may be a while since I am not hungry right away. I don't get it,
I sit around and file for disability, which will get me money, so to
speak, because the intelligence community do not want me to make money
from work? If I do not make money from work on my own, then why are
you giving me money from non-work? It seems as the outcome is the
same, I still get money. People in my position should get money for
their disability, but the result is the same. I may never have a
family, kids, wife, because I do not want them to be around all this,
so I guess the intelligence community wins in that department.


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