I just heard a nale intelligence speech say, "I can't believe how much stuff he goes through" [...] There is a thundering rolling sound via intelligence speech coming from behibd me up above that sounds like a terrorist watch list.
On Sunday, June 28, 2020, Health God <healthgod74@gmail.com> wrote:
On Sunday, June 28, 2020, Health God <healthgod74@gmail.com> wrote:
The intelligence community blew someobe else's human breath into my nose as I am wearing a nask at 0339am and then made my right nostril runny at 0340am.
On Sunday, June 28, 2020, Health God <healthgod74@gmail.com> wrote:The intelligence community are trying to make me forget to complete my audit pack at wirk.
On Sunday, June 28, 2020, Health God <healthgod74@gmail.com> wrote:The intelligence community did something to tge air conditioner as it's blowing out cold air.
On Sunday, June 28, 2020, Health God <healthgod74@gmail.com> wrote:Lunatic Mental Case is rushing pee to my penis at 0329am.
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