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Secret Sinners

Secret Sinners

Re: 042520

I am getting kind of sick of waiting for my wifi to move, so I am going to start doing things offline 1016am. the intelligence community just made my crotch area where my elastic on my shorts itch, since I got off the internet 1022am. I can hear someone cutting their grass sound within my bedroom 1026am. now the intelligence community is starting to make my crotch itch 1039am. this is what they do, they know my main focus is to retire so they stabilize me to doing nothing just to see why I want to retire, then they say to themselves "I don't think he is going to do anything" and repeat everything 1040am. I am feeling more itchiness in my crotch as I move my laptop over to my desk as if to tell me to stay off the internet 1042am. I check my phone and no new emails, I am trying to figure out what to do 1046am. I can't really concentrate with my neighbor cutting his grass 1047am. All I hear is grass cutting 1048am. I am waiting for the grass cutting to end 1049am. Now I am hearing cars drive up Bobcat Springs Road and am reminded that I don't want to leave my night job, because there is no noise and more peace at night to concentrate 1051am. The grass cutting finally stopped 1053am. More cars driving up Bobcat Springs Road, all I hear is their engine 1054am. It seems like every minute there is some sort of noise, another car driving down Bobcat Springs Road 1055am. So, my head itched and then a car drove up Bobcat Springs Road, then my left foot strained at 1059am, which is physical and psychological noise 1100am. I just heard a North wall click 1101am. I just heard a truck drive down Bobcat Springs Road 1103am. I am hearing ceiling and wall clicks around my bedroom 1104am. I just heard a car drive up Bobcat Springs Road, my head is itching 1105am. I just heard a wall click in the East wall of my bedroom 1106am. I just heard a car, two vehicles drive along Bobcat Springs Road 1107am. I just heard a click in the Northwest corner of my bedroom and then my head itched 1108am. This is the environment I have to work with during the day 1110am. Now my head is itching more 1112am. Maybe I should publish my blog entries into a book and title it, "They Call It Schizophrenia, I Call It Domestic Terrorism" 1115am.

On Sat, Apr 25, 2020 at 8:36 PM Health God <> wrote:
The intelligence community is putting a strain aroubd my head focused on my nose via intelligence technology 0836pm.

On Saturday, April 25, 2020, Health God <> wrote:
The intelligence community is starting to be aggressive after I ate. Thet were tightening my anus wanting me to take my multivitamin and medication before taking a shower 1241pm.

On Saturday, April 25, 2020, Health God <> wrote:
Chase Bank is not loading in my phone.

On Saturday, April 25, 2020, Health God <> wrote:
There is electromagnetic field energy in my bedroom as soon as I wokeup, which is usually the time I plan out my day.


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