so Pepperdine University Central Authentication Service (CAS) is slow to load, so I can enter my username and password, I am trying to do a segment every 6 hours and now is the time to do another one, if I am unable to maintain a schedule then as I already have planned I will take these classes starting on Friday, May 8th, 2020 and then just maintain a C grade, so I can retake the class and get a B grade in its place, I can continue to do that to stay enrolled in the university, if I do not pass the retake class then I will be dismissed and will enroll at Aspen University for one of their doctorate programs, so we will see what the intelligence community has planned for me 0538pm. so now Gmail is loading slow to access my pepperdine email account of, I have to access my Gmail account, because I copy and paste all content that I am a customer of 0540pm. I finally got into 2PEP, so it took 4 minutes just to get into class online 0542pm. now I am hearing electromagnetic field energy as I begin reading the transcript for 1.7 Managers' Challenges and Opportunities in Applying OB Concepts 0546pm. my room got warm all of a sudden and it is 0546pm, not noon or 1pm when traditionally it is hottest 0547pm. I am going to turn on some classical music to muffle the electromagnetic field noise 0548pm. the intelligence community is attacking underneath my tongue area on the base of my mouth with their intelligence technology as I read, "Let's look at managers challenges and opportunities and OB" part of the transcript 0550pm. the intelligence community is making behind my right ear itch at 0553pm as I read, "Moreover, managers must be able to deal with employees who are stressed about their futures." now the intelligence community is giving me shortness of breath at 0554pm that lasted a mere 2 seconds. the video I was slightly watching is not moving or fast forwarding to get to the next area as I read the transcript 0614pm. I am rebooting my laptop, and Hughesnet satellite wifi internet 0615pm. my mom said that it is 70 degrees outside and I have the fan blowing in my bedroom, because the intelligence community are using intelligence technology to make the weather warmer in my bedroom 0624pm. I just went for a short walk along Jonata Springs Road towards Zaca Creek Restaurant and as I got close to the restaurant there were two vehicles driving from opposite directions towards me, so I pulled off the side of the road and let them drive by, but they would have hit me in exactly the same spot I was standing if I did not pull off the side of the road, this has been happening to me since I moved to Jonata Springs Ranch in 2005 as the intelligence community controls the street lights along Highway 246 and Avenue of the Flags in order to controlt he traffic based on traveling speed and distance to get to a certain point in order to try to kill me with a hit and run situation, it happened at 0719pm. Then a Hispanic couple walked from the hill on Jonata Springs Road towards me near Zaca Creek Restaurant, so I turned the other direction where I came from and walked back home when another truck drove towards me but pulled off into the other side of the street 0721pm.
I wrote and mailed a letter to the president of the united states of america re intelligence community abuses: Friday, May 5, 2023 The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20500 RE: human rights abuses by intelligence community Dear Mr. President, I have been the victim of intelligence community abuses, since 9/11. I am asking for your power to investigate and prosecute these domestic terrorists that reside within my bedroom walls, but also follow me wherever I go plotting against me. I have documented these human rights abuses as best I could via: -book @ -documentary @ ( ) -report @ -website @ I look forward to your reply. Sincerely, Ricardo Santiago Soto, MBA [redacted] [redacted] ...
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