The intelligence community are throwing stuff back at me. They killed Albert Covarrubias, Jr trying to make it look like women are against me and truckers too. Anything I work on becomes sonething against me when it comes to the intelligence community. The intelligence community do not want me to help other people, rather focus just on myself. The intelligence community are a bunch of republicans.
On Thursday, January 30, 2020, Health God <> wrote:
On Thursday, January 30, 2020, Health God <> wrote:
The intelligence community keep trying to make it look like the trucking industry is against me. I hear semi-trucks on the highway after I view my phone or work on stuff. The intelligence co3is trying to make it look like the trucking industry is pulling off the side of the road to view what I am doing online. The intelligence community has been trying to make it look like there is a hacker doing everything. The intelligence community keeps knocking me off my VPN with Norton and then points the finger to a patch required. The intelligence community never accepts responsibility, rather making others the scapegoat. All, because I created a petition years ago to help truckers have more rights that got press and the intelligence community do not like that.
On Thursday, January 30, 2020, Health God <> wrote:I used YouTube to view the Instagram video. Now, Instagram is working again.
On Thursday, January 30, 2020, Health God <> wrote:I rebooted my phone three times. I am hearing cursor clicks in my ceiling.
On Thursday, January 30, 2020, Health God <> wrote:There are no images displaying and instagram videos are frozen. I am at home.
On Thursday, January 30, 2020, Health God <> wrote:The intelligence community are slowing down my mobile download speed as I review Instagram posts.
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