Now someone within the intelligence community is straining my left wrist as I scrub my head with soap in the shower.
On Tuesday, May 28, 2019, Health God <> wrote:
On Tuesday, May 28, 2019, Health God <> wrote:
Someone within the intelligence community keeps flushing pee to my penis. My pee was rushed to my penis as I was doing porterage at work having to stop midstream to go to the restroom. I felt shitness and took a shit in the restroom toilet when I hrard a man upstairs call out for assistance, he was waiting at the front desk counter. The intelligence community likes to make me go to the restroom when people are about to arrive at the hotel, they are watching them arrive for how long. I keep waking up in my sleep having to go pee as the intelligence community keeps waking me up trying to make it look like I have prostate cancer.
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