0303am the intelligence will not let me read anything or else they throw bad breath into my nose. I was trying to read 'The Art Basel and UBS Global Art Market Report 2019: 5 Key Insights' located at https://www.ubs.com/global/en/about_ubs/art/2019/art-basel.html and I kept smelling bad breath that is not mine. I had to cover up my nose with my shirt until 3:03am changed its time. 0317am the intelligence community once again blew bad breath into my nose prompting me to cover up my nose as I am working on an Instagram post as an award-winning journalist. 0327am once again I am smelling bad breath right inside my nose as the intelligence community have created precise technology to pinpoint exact spots as their target. 0328am I see nothing, no laser, nothing, but the intelligence community have created technology that is invisble to the naked eye. 0412am the intelligence community is tracking my head signified by my left hair line moving around as they are trying to make it look like it is a mosquito with none around.
On Tue, May 7, 2019 at 2:07 AM Health God <healthgod74@gmail.com> wrote:
It smells really bad like bad breath at 02:07 am.
On Tuesday, May 7, 2019, Health God <healthgod74@gmail.com> wrote:The training said a hostile work environment can exist when wirk performance is interfered with, such as what the intelligence community do to me everyday.
On Tuesday, May 7, 2019, Health God <healthgod74@gmail.com> wrote:I am watching training based on sexual harassment and the intelligence community keep blowing bad breath into my nose, so I am covering my nose with my shirt.
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