I just took 3mg of risperidone and 1/2 mg of benztropine, because the intelligence community is making water run down my nose in the shower irritate.
On Monday, June 11, 2018, Health God <healthgod74@gmail.com> wrote:
On Monday, June 11, 2018, Health God <healthgod74@gmail.com> wrote:
The intelligence community are frying my brain just, because I am going to get an MBA in Finance and my ETF is making money.
On Monday, June 11, 2018, Health God <healthgod74@gmail.com> wrote:Now I am hearing a Caucasian woman via intelligence speech who I call cvmguzzler, because she is always trying to make me look good no matter how much I tell her to stop. She is saying she doesn't think this is going anywhere, because Covarrubias isn't in the picture. This is after I was in the phone with Fidelity Investments about opening an IRA account.
On Monday, June 11, 2018, Health God <healthgod74@gmail.com> wrote:The intelligence community has been making ny eyes burn for the past 1/2 hour. I dropped Visine Dry Eyes into my eyes, but it isnt working as it feels like there is wibd bliwing into my eyes--all windows are closed and the heater is turned off. I just kept my eyes open allowing the burn to make my eyes water, which feels better--I will keep doing that as needed.
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