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Secret Sinners

Secret Sinners

Re: 050218

I just went the kitchen to clean my nostrils in the sink and my anus started to fill up with shit. I walked to the restroom and the shitness went away.

On Thursday, May 3, 2018, Health God <> wrote:
I am taking a shower and after washing my asshole my anus felt shit start to cone out. So, I ribsed myself off and dried myself with a towel sitting on the toilet with no shit wanting to cone out. The intelligence community are controlling my anus muscles and system. They did this to my dadvwhen he went to see a doctor for constipation. I beluve the intelligence community are using various tactics on the public in order to control them including falling prey to auto accidents, such as death.

On Wednesday, May 2, 2018, Health God <> wrote:
I just took 500mg of Equate, which immediately stopped the tightening of my stomach by the intelligence community.

On Wednesday, May 2, 2018, Health God <> wrote:
The intelligence community is tightening up my upper stomach muscles close to the bone as I review routes for sale on various websites. The intelligence community believes in the little mind that just, because I had creatibe that I need to workout.

On Wednesday, May 2, 2018, Health God <> wrote:
I just took 4mg of risperidone, because the intelligence community is talking nonstop about this never going anywhere regarding Albert Covarrubias, Jr. I keep hearing nonstop chatter at a low auditory decimal.

On Wednesday, May 2, 2018, Health God <> wrote:
I just dropped 500mg of Equate, because the intelligence community is straining my quadriceps inside Albertsons grocery store and as I get ready to drive home. I have to cancel my dentist appointment now.


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Re: 091022

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