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Secret Sinners

Secret Sinners

Re: 032318

The intelligence community is trying to kill me. My calve almost tightened up, while I was driving. The intelligence community react based.on how the general public reacts. The intelligence community is not a very intelligent community. In fact, the people within the intelligence community are some of the stupist people around. Practically anyone can join the military and one just needs to commit to military intelligence to ruin peoples lives.

On Friday, March 23, 2018, Health God <> wrote:
I just lowered the windows to my car and the intelligence community threw a bunchm of car exhaust in my face.

On Friday, March 23, 2018, Health God <> wrote:
At 06:39am the intelligence community made the back of my throat feel as if there was something running down it and then at 06:40am it went away.

On Friday, March 23, 2018, Health God <> wrote:
I just watched a video on coursera with Amy Bloom and my stomach was tightened the entire time, due to intelligence technology tightening it. On another note, I haven't received any memberships for The Journal for Innovation website via Google AdWords over the past 2 weeks now. I had 2 new subscribers within a few days, but I feel the intelligence community is mishanndling my Facebook Ads and Google AdWords. This is one of the reasons they feel so confident in attacking me, because the FBI isn't pursuing them or doing anything about it.

On Friday, March 23, 2018, Health God <> wrote:
I just ate a hamburger, apple and banana along with multivitamin. Now I am feeling needle poking on my left side of my waist caused by the intelligence community using their intelligence technology. I am merely watching a Museum of Art video on my phone for a coursera class.

On Friday, March 23, 2018, Health God <> wrote:
Today the intelligence community has kept my mouth dry. My tongue feels dry. My throat feels dry. I am not even taking a lot of medication.

On Friday, March 23, 2018, Health God <> wrote:
I have been coming across more Hispanics at work. I just inserted 2 no shows who were Hispanic. It seems the intelligence community is pitting Hispanics against me after the movie I made and then attack me based on having to enter these no shows.

On Friday, March 23, 2018, Health God <> wrote:
I am smelling more human breath coming from above my head. As soon as I reached for my Boost Mobile phone to document this invasion of privacy I heard cursor clicks coming from the South wall of the hotel lobby.

On Friday, March 23, 2018, Health God <> wrote:
I am having shortness of breath as the intelligence community play around with their intelligence technology treating me like a guinea pig or mouse.

On Friday, March 23, 2018, Health God <> wrote:
The intelligence community keeps mixing different tastes within the air I breath. They are making me inhale hazardous air!


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