I just went pee again. The intelligence community is making me go pee a lot just, bevause today is the 17th.
On Saturday, March 17, 2018, Health God <healthgod74@gmail.com> wrote:
On Saturday, March 17, 2018, Health God <healthgod74@gmail.com> wrote:
I am feeling tracking of my spinal cord as I kay in bed reading a Coursera course on creative writing. I just barely opened the course. I will have to read it outloud to nyself, because it us due tommorow.
On Saturday, March 17, 2018, Health God <healthgod74@gmail.com> wrote:The intelligence community are drying up my throat making me cough for merely eating 10 pieces of popcorn, hamburger and drinking chocolate milk along with washing it down with water. I can hear a bunch of cursor clicks in the East wall of my bedroom.
On Saturday, March 17, 2018, Health God <healthgod74@gmail.com> wrote:I just took 4mg of risperidone, because I am hearing voices by the intelligence community. They are saying this is the worst case they have ever seen. I don't care if this is the worst case. I don't care. I just want them to shut up. I can't even read a transcript without the intelligence community riding my spinal cord, while I read or fry my brain. I keep hearing black oeople and female voices as if the Caucasian people are setting them up. Why do they keep bothering me? I am a civilian.
On Saturday, March 17, 2018, Health God <healthgod74@gmail.com> wrote:Now it looks.like the intelligence community hacked the transcript of Coursera, since I was following along the highlighting. There is a dekay in the transcript causing confusion. Why the fuck do they want.me tp read silently to myself?
On Saturday, March 17, 2018, Health God <healthgod74@gmail.com> wrote:See like right now the t4acher is giving insights via video and the intelligence community is slightly frying my brain to interfere with my comprehension as I am thinking about what they are doing to me, rather than.listen to the video. I am hearing a lot of cursor clicks coming from the South wall of the hotel lobby as this is occurring. I say this is stupid, because I just gave to rewind the video to a certain area I miscomprehended.
On Saturday, March 17, 2018, Health God <healthgod74@gmail.com> wrote:Everytime I watch and listen to a Coursera video the intelligence community does things to my body, particularly my stomach and head to distract my concentration. Them I have to pause the video and just read the transcript. It seems so stupid--everything the intelligence community does is stupid. I am still progressing forward and things that appear dimished can always come back. Don't the.intelligence community feel like they are wasting time and resources?
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