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Secret Sinners

Secret Sinners

Re: 031718

I have to go pee again. The pee has been coming and going for the past few minutes, since I got to work. Billy told me 2 rooms need to be checked out after audit and then the phone rang asking about late checkout as if trying to make me forget the room numbers.

On Saturday, March 17, 2018, Health God <> wrote:
Just about every night I lock the door from my residence there is a vehicle being unlocked from.the front gate passing by me as I walk to my car.

On Saturday, March 17, 2018, Health God <> wrote:
I just went pee again. The intelligence community is making me go pee a lot just, bevause today is the 17th.

On Saturday, March 17, 2018, Health God <> wrote:
I am feeling tracking of my spinal cord as I kay in bed reading a Coursera course on creative writing. I just barely opened the course. I will have to read it outloud to nyself, because it us due tommorow.

On Saturday, March 17, 2018, Health God <> wrote:
The intelligence community are drying up my throat making me cough for merely eating 10 pieces of popcorn, hamburger and drinking chocolate milk along with washing it down with water. I can hear a bunch of cursor clicks in the East wall of my bedroom.

On Saturday, March 17, 2018, Health God <> wrote:
I just took 4mg of risperidone, because I am hearing voices by the intelligence community. They are saying this is the worst case they have ever seen. I don't care if this is the worst case. I don't care. I just want them to shut up. I can't even read a transcript without the intelligence community riding my spinal cord, while I read or fry my brain. I keep hearing black oeople and female voices as if the Caucasian people are setting them up. Why do they keep bothering me? I am a civilian.

On Saturday, March 17, 2018, Health God <> wrote:
Now it the intelligence community hacked the transcript of Coursera, since I was following along the highlighting. There is a dekay in the transcript causing confusion. Why the fuck do they tp read silently to myself?

On Saturday, March 17, 2018, Health God <> wrote:
See like right now the t4acher is giving insights via video and the intelligence community is slightly frying my brain to interfere with my comprehension as I am thinking about what they are doing to me, rather than.listen to the video. I am hearing a lot of cursor clicks coming from the South wall of the hotel lobby as this is occurring. I say this is stupid, because I just gave to rewind the video to a certain area I miscomprehended.

On Saturday, March 17, 2018, Health God <> wrote:
Everytime I watch and listen to a Coursera video the intelligence community does things to my body, particularly my stomach and head to distract my concentration. Them I have to pause the video and just read the transcript. It seems so stupid--everything the intelligence community does is stupid. I am still progressing forward and things that appear dimished can always come back. Don't the.intelligence community feel like they are wasting time and resources?


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I am outside my residence with a strong urge to pee, this has not happened for a few years, but the intelligence community via intelligence technology are doing it again. For half of the night at work I did not have to pee, it was only once I went to the restroom that I then had to go pee 2 more times. The intelligence community has been focused on numerology terrorism again, it never stops.

Re: 091022

the intelligence community hanging around in my bedroom is once again slowing down my internet speed, particularly with mobile and laptop devices. I know I hardly post now, but am still dealing with intelligence community abuses on a daily basis. It takes a long time each day just to get onto the internet as it makes me forget what I was so motivated to work on at that moment. See I am waiting many minutes right now just to post this as the gui for my laptop and Gmail is moving extremely slow. On Sat, Sep 10, 2022 at 7:21 AM Health God < > wrote: I am outside my residence with a strong urge to pee, this has not happened for a few years, but the intelligence community via intelligence technology are doing it again. For half of the night at work I did not have to pee, it was only once I went to the restroom that I then had to go pee 2 more times. The intelligence community has been focused on numerology terrorism again, it never stops.