I just took 500mg of Equate, because the intelligence community is attacking my right hand as I am watching movie previews.
On Wednesday, October 18, 2017, Health God <healthgod74@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wednesday, October 18, 2017, Health God <healthgod74@gmail.com> wrote:
I stopped doing my homework, because the intelligence community is talking and all I want is silence. I don't know what to do again.
On Wednesday, October 18, 2017, Health God <healthgod74@gmail.com> wrote:I stopped making recruiting phone calls, because the intelligence community was making sounds within the shower resembling someone dying. Then they kept talking about Covarrubias in the restroom as I was researching executives of corporations. I only made 2 phone calls and I am trying to represent someone, but had to stop calling. Now the intelligence community is bickering all around me telling each other to be quiet. I am going to the eye doctor 2 hours early, because I don't know what else to do.
On Wednesday, October 18, 2017, Health God <healthgod74@gmail.com> wrote:I just took 500mg of Tylenol after my right hand started to get tight as I am going to make phone calls for recruiting.
On Wednesday, October 18, 2017, Health God <healthgod74@gmail.com> wrote:I am going to take 500mg of Tylenol. I am feeling pokes throughout my intestines as I do situps. I hrard a male intelligence speech say, "do you know what this looks like? It looks like you are trying to have him commit suicide." Throughout the day I hear intelligence speech question whether I am Covarrubias cousin.
On Wednesday, October 18, 2017, Health God <healthgod74@gmail.com> wrote:I get the feeling that Lunatic Mental Case is attacking my intestines as I exercise on the exercise bike followed by performing situps in the living room. Earlier I heard an intelligence speech that they do not like that I am not doing anything.
On Wednesday, October 18, 2017, Health God <healthgod74@gmail.com> wrote:The intelligence community is attacking my mobile phone disrupting my mobile app dating sites and stock trading apps. The stock trading app was showing gray technical charts, rather than red or green lines. The dating apps are not receiving profile views, nor messages. Then the intelligence community was attacking my anus causing me to just sit on the toilet as I was not squeezing my anus together, but that is the goal of the intelligence community.
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