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Secret Sinners

Secret Sinners


For the past hour there has been tracking of my hair line located on the left side of my scalp. I have also been smelling a smelly general within my walk path as if it is an invisible presence just watching what I am doing, but with an odor of a homeless person. Then as I was working on my tasks at work I smelled drops of someone elses breath in my face. For the past week there has beem this woman who emailed me on reqursting my phone number to exchange photos. She has sent me photos of herself and keeps asking for my photos, but I tell her I have photos on the site. She doesn't answer any of my questions and I often hear the intelligence community say that they do not know who I am, as well as, have the wrong impression of me. This woman named Margaret keeps asking how I am as if to get it in writing. She texted me, while I was driving home from work. She says her father died and that she is currently in Ghana. It feels like a scam from the intelligence community as if they are playing off her emotions. Her cell number is 641-323-3461.


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Re: 091022

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