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Secret Sinners

Secret Sinners

Re: 073017

I am in bed. As soon as I placed my left keg under the covers it was attacked by intelligence technology causing me to swallow a Tylenol 500mg, which will last 3 hours. I took 4mg of risperidone and ate scrambled eggs with sausage.

On Sunday, July 30, 2017, Health God <> wrote:
I heard a few intelligence speech say, "I don't think this is a good idea" and then my lungs started feeling heavy. I am having shortness of breath.

On Sunday, July 30, 2017, Health God <> wrote:
I just came back from the emergency room at the hospital, because the intelligence community was attacking my stomach and my hands felt sore. I was given a doctors note. I was told 4mg of risperidone and the sleeping pill will help me over Ambien. However, I can discuss with my physician. I was told to find a day job, so I could sleep at night.

On Sunday, July 30, 2017, Health God <> wrote:
Now my left eye is being attacked by the intelligence community. I believe they feel threatened by me finding out who they are. They could just walk away, but instead pursue me maliciously.

On Sunday, July 30, 2017, Health God <> wrote:
The intelligence community is trying to manufacture me into something evil by attacking my stomach, just because they believe I need to eat.

On Sunday, July 30, 2017, Health God <> wrote:
I am at work and having shortness of breath as I am hearing electromagnetic field energy follow me as I stand behind the front desk reviewing LinkedIn profiles.


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Re: 091022

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