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Secret Sinners

Secret Sinners

Re: 062917

I was washing my balls and cock in the shower with soao when I smellwd cologne all around me, particularly my nose. I am sensitive to chemicals abd smelly cologne. Tge intelligence community wants to watch me masturbate and see what sort of women images I think about if I decide to masturbate. I have not masturbated, since a month before Easter. My memory is not very good, due to intelligence hurting me with intelligence technology as they are doing to my left underarm as I type this journal entry. I was reading an article about a public interest law firm that has won 4 Supreme Court cases related to criminal justice abuses. Earlier today I thought of a new petition, which would make it illegal or a federal crime for the intelligence community to perform activities on someone in hopes of giving them money at trial--I believe this is fraud and wasting tax payer money.

On Thursday, June 29, 2017, Health God <> wrote:
I turned off my Pandora music phone and am hearing voices again. They are telling me to do things that I do not want to do.

On Thursday, June 29, 2017, Health God <> wrote:
The intelligence community is attacking my brain by hitting my brain via intelligence technology in a way as to be reactive to what I am reading and the type of music I am listening to. For example, if I am listening to T.I on Nicole Scherzinger radio station on Pandora then the intelligence community alerts an assortment of intelligence community members via intelligence speech to analyze whether I should be placed on the terrorist watchlist. I have to go through a bunch if abuses just to copy my stated purposes within my articles of incorporation into my bylaws before the intelligence community acts as if I am an OK person. However, it quickly goes back to the same domestic terrorist actions by the intelligence community by alerting intelligence community members to figure out if what I am reading us terrorist related, particularly in Article 3: Directors, which is the next article behind Article 2: Purposes within Global Closers Human Rights Charity Bylaws.

On Thursday, June 29, 2017, Health God <> wrote:
I am feeling intelligence technology attack the bottom of my spinal cord as I read 5150(d) of California Corporations Code: Title 1 Corporations: Division 2 Nonprofit Corporation Law: Part 2 Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporations: Chapter 1 Organization and Bylaws: Article 5 Bylaws.

On Thursday, June 29, 2017, Health God <> wrote:
I put my phone down and attempted to read Article 10: Amendment of Bylaws for Global Human Rights Charity and felt another strike through my brain causing disorientation. I can not think straight or read.

On Thursday, June 29, 2017, Health God <> wrote:
I am reading Global Human Rights Charity Bylaws under Article 10: Amendment of Bylaws and I felt a swipe through my brain via intelligence technology, which llost my concentration--I can not comprehend what I am reading now.

On Thursday, June 29, 2017, Health God <> wrote:
I am walking through my hone and intelligence technology is running throughout my body even though I went to see my physician earlier in the.month related to cancer.

On Thursday, June 29, 2017, Health God <> wrote:
I am up and heard a female intelligence speech say, "oh he smells" against my right to privacy. She sounds as she is trying to win favor with the other intelligence mobsters.


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