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Showing posts from December, 2023

Secret Sinners

Secret Sinners


Crackhead who works with Lunatic Mental Case is frying my brain as I read the A. Program Description 1. Purpose from the National Endowment of Humanities for a nonprofit grant I am trying to get awarded for Global Human Rights Charity. Crackhead has been following me, since he moved in approximately in 2011 when Lunatic Mental Case recruited him. Both are spies or intelligence community members who are out to kill me when I am alone, which is why there are other intelligence community members here to watch them. They watch them, but do not have the power to take them out. So, I suffer most of the time, punished, tortured with voices, intelligence technology attacks like Crackhead is doing now to my brain, because I am trying to award the nonprofit I founded. They are both domestic terrorists and should be put away by the government that created their positions.


For months the intelligence community hiding behind hacktivists have been trying to brainwash me into thinking that I mistype, that transactions are pending or on hold, that social media posts are not relevant to our culture, and that I should remain silenced. All in an effort to try to make the American people believe that Trump is telling the truth regarding election fraud. Yet, yesterday when I touched on RFK, Jr. website on the issue of border and civil liberties did the voices stop temporarily. Basically, the intelligence community is scared of RFK, Jr ability to transform their hacktivism power and authority. This is something that Biden has not stopped and is the defining reason I await for a leader to stop. If you know me, you know I was a former Obama-Biden intern and eventual community organizer for OFA. Biden has cancelled my student loans via Total and Permanent Disability, which I thank greatly. However, Kennedy may change my life as well primarily with political hacktivis...