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Showing posts from May, 2023

Secret Sinners

Secret Sinners


I have been dealing with intelligence abuses all day long. I am tired and am hearing voices that try to make it sound as if its my parents talking, but they are not. Then, they blame me for not switching sheets on my bed making me feel bugs when it is all manufacturered cyber warefare.


I wrote and mailed a letter to the president of the united states of america re intelligence community abuses: Friday, May 5, 2023 The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20500 RE: human rights abuses by intelligence community Dear Mr. President, I have been the victim of intelligence community abuses, since 9/11. I am asking for your power to investigate and prosecute these domestic terrorists that reside within my bedroom walls, but also follow me wherever I go plotting against me. I have documented these human rights abuses as best I could via: -book @ -documentary @ ( ) -report @ -website @ I look forward to your reply. Sincerely, Ricardo Santiago Soto, MBA [redacted] [redacted] ...


I have been writing everything in Notepad, because the intelligence community like to slow down my web browser so I can forget what I was working on. If I remember, I face facial/ear irritations and/or PC and/or wifi hackings and/or make me hear intelligence speech voices to irritate and/or cause confusion and/or make me smell human breath and/or body odor when no one is around. All delay tactics. I am giving myself one-year and if it continues I will leave the country and move to Canada or Dubai and/or stay here and fight via Yay Nay PAC by gathering petitions for a Santa Barbara County election initiative within the year.